World's Most Dynamic
Turbines Engines Hydraulic Motors Compressors Pumps
Vengeance Expander Gensets
Now offering our newest Expander Genset combinations, custom designed and built for your application
Prices start as Low as $650 USD / KW
Our Genset units can be powered by any fluid at any pressure and temperature delivering:
- Robust, durable, on-demand high torque performance
- Lower up-front, operating & maintenance costs, shorter delivery times, faster return on investment
- Easy throttling for optimal power output with varying pressures
Choose your driving fluid:
- Wet/Dry Steam
- Combustion Gasses
- Natural Gas Pressure Letdown (NGPL)
- Compressed Air for Compressed Air Energy Storage & Power (CAESP) applications
- ORC Fluid/Refrigerants (R245FA, R410A, R744, R290, R601A, R728…)
- Other fluids (Benzene, Toluene, Cyclopentane, Propane, Ammonia, Ammonia/Water for Kalina Cycle)
- Supercritical fluids such as CO2
- Hydraulic fluid – Yes, it can also run as a tremendously powerful hydraulic motor!
Choose Your Generator
- We also offer custom designed frame mounted Generator kits
- Rugged welded steel frame for lifting and transport
- Use your own engines – give us your specs and we will make it fit
- 50Hz / 60Hz, 3-phase / 1-phase, AC / DC, 200-600Volt
- Alternator, self-starter, standalone multi-pole PMG types
- 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000kW output
- 300 – 3600 RPM
- Make Power Now!!
[Click image to see video]
Our latest 20kW class Expander/Genset unit seen here spooling up on compressed air. Voltmeter is attached to phase 1-2 power leads showing AC volts. Shaft speed is measured by a hand-held laser RPM meter and reflective tape on the shaft coupler. Shown here is a multi-pole Permanent Magnet Generator, self-powered, 240V AC 3Phase 50Hz 500RPM with over 90% electrical efficiency. We have plenty of torque for low speed power with a simple, direct 1:1 drive speed coupler. No more annoying gearboxes!